
10929 Results / Page 1213 of 1215

Q Awards: Winners Interviews

Electronic music

Q Awards: Winners Interviews

John has joked with Q that he is yet to find any upsides to being a solo artist. Speaking in a Q25 video interview to mark his appearance on the cover of our special 25th anniversary issue, Q304, which is out now, the former Oasis leader. The Chief declares in the video interview you can watch above: “It’s more of a pain in the arse [being solo] to be honest. Everything is on you isn’t it? It’s a lot more […]

todayMarch 13, 2020 15

Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”


Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”

Track appears in new box set… A new box set showcasing recordings Captain Beefheart made in the early Seventies is due for release. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Sun Zoom Spark: 1970 To 1972 features newly remastered versions of three albums that Beefheart and the Magic Band released during that period – Lick My Decals Off, Baby, The Spotlight Kid and Clear Spot – as well as an extra disc of alternate versions. […]

todayMarch 11, 2020 16 2

Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”


Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

todayMarch 11, 2020 24 2

Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”


Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

todayMarch 11, 2020 28 2




Like any music, jazz has its revolutions; its sudden incidents in infrastructure; its disruptive presences of unprecedented sound. Mostly it's slower than that, though, with years and generations of accretions before it seems to call for new vocabulary. That's one way to look at Winter Rockfest, whose latest incarnation occupied a dozen or so venues in downtown New York City last weekend. In a decade and a half of steady growth, a one-night showcase oriented toward industry insiders has become […]

todayMarch 10, 2020 15

E-tropolis line-up complete


E-tropolis line-up complete

The line-up for the industrial, EBM and synthpop festival E-tropolis in Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Ruhr, on March 28 is complete. For the most part, though, people just happening to pass by the two-block campus during Public Practice sessions are at the best advantage to enjoy the notes in the air, mixing with the environment. “We organize it so that several musicians are playing concurrently, in different areas of the campus,” explains Ming Ng, director of Active Arts. “So, there is […]

todayMarch 5, 2020 20

The State Of D.C. Hardcore


The State Of D.C. Hardcore

At 9 p.m. on a Friday in February, Watson was standing outside of La Casa, a micro-church and community center — whose main chapel is the size of your parents' spacious living room — nestled next to a tienda in Washington, D.C.'s Mount Pleasant neighborhood. Inside, a hardcore punk band called Unknown Threat had just taken the stage. Of course, there was no actual stage. There was just the floor where the band set up at one end of the […]

todayMarch 3, 2018 19

The 5 Elements Needed For Music Industry Success


The 5 Elements Needed For Music Industry Success

You are about to learn the five critical elements that have fueled the success of all great musicians' careers. Until you possess these key elements for yourself, it will be nearly impossible for you to reach your musical dreams and build a successful career in the music business. Read below to discover these five key elements and take action on the information you learn: Music Career Success Key #1 - Don't Set Realistic Goals All of the most well-known and […]

todayFebruary 26, 2018 22

The Subways Tour Diary: Days 6-10 the adventure continues


The Subways Tour Diary: Days 6-10 the adventure continues

The Subways were kind enough to chronicle their North American tour for us, and we’ll be running their tour diary in several installments this week. Billy Lunn will be our guide, and as he writes, “Because so much usually ends up happening on our tours, we thought that this time round, whilst we’re on our exciting US/Canada tour, I’d keep a diary of all our happenings. As well as being a nice little insight for you guys into our daily […]

todayFebruary 25, 2018 15
