DisnDat HITZ DisnDat HITZ
Warlando Hitz Warlando Hitz
DisnDat Tunez Reggae,Dancehall and Afro Beats
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Written by: jarvis
For every Show page the timetable is auomatically generated from the schedule, and you can set automatic carousels of Podcasts, Articles and Charts by simply choosing a category. Curabitur id lacus felis. Sed justo mauris, auctor eget tellus nec, pellentesque varius mauris. Sed eu congue nulla, et tincidunt justo. Aliquam semper faucibus odio id varius. Suspendisse varius laoreet sodales.
Presented by Jerome Blues
11:45 pm - 11:55 pm
Monday and Friday at 23:00
11:55 pm - 12:00 am
Presented by Monica Deep
12:00 am - 3:00 am
Monday and Friday at 23:00
3:00 am - 6:00 am
With Veronica and Nina
6:00 am - 9:30 am
For every Show page the timetable is auomatically generated from the schedule, and you can set automatic carousels of Podcasts, Articles and Charts by simply choosing a category. Curabitur id lacus felis. Sed justo mauris, auctor eget tellus nec, pellentesque varius mauris. Sed eu congue nulla, et tincidunt justo. Aliquam semper faucibus odio id varius. Suspendisse varius laoreet sodales.
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