Mac Miller Overdose: Alleged Drug Dealer Arrested

todayJuly 2, 2021 14

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Today, the Drug Enforcement Agency arrested a 23-year-old Hollywood Hills resident named Cameron Pettit for allegedly selling Mac Miller counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl before his death from overdose, according to LA’s Fox affiliate reporter Bill Melugin and other sources. Melugin tweeted a copy of a report from the DEA announcing Pettit’s arrest as well as the charges against him. A copy of the report can be viewed below.

According to the press release, Pettit allegedly knowingly sold the pills to Miller two days before Mac died of overdose. Pettit was arrested by the DEA’s Fusion Task Force on a “distribution of a controlled substance” warrant this morning, and is expected to appear in court on Wednesday. The report states that Pettit agreed to sell Miller with oxycodone, cocaine, and Xanax, but instead gave him counterfeit oxycodone containing the synthetic opioid fentanyl, which is 50 times more potent than heroin.

Mac’s struggles with substance abuse were well-documented — most often, by Mac himself on albums like Watching Movies With The Sound Off and in interviews where he acknowledged that drugs were holding back his career. On latter albums such as The Divine Feminine and his final album Swimming, it seemed he was coming to terms with his issues, but was later arrested for drunk driving just before the release of Swimming, indicating that his struggle continued. Unfortunately, he was robbed of the opportunity to make a full recovery; hopefully, hip-hop can learn from his cautionary example.

Mac Miller is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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Written by: jarvis

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