Anime & Chill Podcast

Anime&Chill – Stephanie Nadolny

micAnime & Chill PodcasttodayApril 12, 2023 33

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Hey everyone! Are you ready for a special episode of the Anime&Chill podcast?

We have a very exciting guest today, Stephanie Nadolny, the voice actor behind Teen Gohan and Kid Gohan from Dragon Ball Universe. Get ready to sit back, relax, and animate and chill with us!



Stephanie Nadolny is a singer, voice actor, actress, choreographer, dancer, and Showbiz extraordinaire. She grew up with music in the house and started practicing her voice at the age of three.

Stephanie lives in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, and has been in Texas for most of her life. She has worked with various bands and showbiz companies, including Vince Vance and the Valiants, Brave Combo, and Jimmy Toys. Stephanie got her big break when she auditioned for Dragon Ball Z and landed the role of Gohan.

Stephanie’s Journey to Voice Acting

Stephanie’s journey to voice acting started with her passion for music. She started singing and performing at a young age and joined a show band right out of high school.

She toured the world with the band and learned everything from singing to dancing to developing a character. Stephanie also worked as a singer at Jimmy Toys, where she voiced various characters and sang in different voices. She got her big break when she auditioned for Dragon Ball Z and landed the role of Gohan. Stephanie has been attending culture conventions full-time and loves meeting her fans face-to-face.

“I knew at a very young age I was definitely going to pursue singing and the voice acting came into play a little later but I was already learning how to finagle my voice to make different sounds to sound like other singers and other characters as well as coming up with my own just for fun.”
– Stephanie Nadolny


Stephanie’s journey to voice acting is inspiring, and her passion for music and performing is evident in her work. We hope you enjoyed this episode of the Anime&Chill podcast and learned something new about Stephanie Nadolny.



Anime & Chill Podcast

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